Fruits are nature’s treats. Furthermore, eating fruits (and vegetables) is actually linked to feeling happier! But that’s not just because we get a sweet fix, fruits are packed with phytonutrients that have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers.
All those different colors and flavors in fruits come from their different phytochemicals, and each fruit has a different combination that has a synergistic effect in our body. Thus, eating a variety of fruits ensures that we get a diversity of benefits. Also, fruits are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber!
Worried about high fructose intake? Don’t be. When we eat whole fruits, we are eating them with their fiber, which slows down sugar absorption. In fact, eating whole fruits is associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Whole fruits also have high water content, and both water and fiber keep our intake in check, because we feel full before we can eat too many of them. Processed fruit, on the other hand, typically has the fiber and/or water removed, leading to us eating a lot more and absorbing a lot more of their sugar. So, eat dehydrated fruits in moderation, and if you like drinking your fruit, choose smoothies over juice, and include other elements like oats, vegetables or leafy greens to help balance it out.
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