People switching to a plant-based diet are often concerned about their iron intake, and with good reason. 27% of the global population experiences iron-deficiency anemia, making iron deficiency the most common nutrient deficiency worldwide. Those at higher risk include infants, the elderly, and women during menstruation and pregnancy.
Iron deficiency is not to be taken lightly. It can hurt the cognitive development of infants, children, and teenagers. In pregnant women, it can lead to preterm delivery and low birth weight. In adults in general, symptoms include restless legs syndrome, fatigue, weakness, and trouble concentrating.
A lot of people believe that the answer to this is eating red meat, but as you’ll see below, that’s not really the case. We can get all the iron we need from plants, but we do need to pay attention to what we eat and how we combine our meals.
Iron Absorption
Adult men need to absorb about 1 mg of iron a day. Adult women in their menstruating age need to absorb 1.5 mg a day. However, you will notice that the Daily Value (general intake recommendation) is 18 mg a day. This is because we do not absorb all the iron we eat, regardless of the source.
There are two types of iron: heme iron (found in animal blood) and non-heme iron (found in plants). For people not following a whole-foods, plant-based diet, the absorption rates are 25-30% of iron from meat, 7-9% from leafy greens, 4% from grains and 2% from legumes. This sounds very discouraging if you are planning to get all your iron from plant sources. But here’s the thing, these rates change dramatically when our body gets used to eating plants and when we grow the right gut bacteria. Plus, a little plant-knowledge goes a long way.
Discover your top whole-foods, plant-based sources of iron below, try our personalized nutrition calculator, learn how we use iron in our body, and read important information on how to increase your iron absorption from plants. Lastly, see why we should avoid heme iron and be very cautious when using supplements.
Top Whole-Food, Plant-Based Sources
Hover over each food below to see how much iron you can get with one serving. Click on each food’s picture to visit its interactive page with a personalized calculator of all the nutrition you can get from one serving, more information about how it supports our body, tips to choose and prepare it, interesting facts, and more!
Iron Personalized Calculator
See how much iron you and your family members need, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025.
- Daily Value (DV): The recommended amount of nutrients to consume each day for individuals who are 4 years old or older.
- Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA): The recommended amount of nutrients to consume each day according to the individual’s age, gender, and whether a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Upper Intake Level (UL): The highest amount of nutrient intake that will not pose adverse health effects on most individuals.
How Our Body Uses Iron
70% of the iron in our body binds to hemoglobin, the pigment that makes our blood red. The remaining 30% binds to proteins or is stored in our cells. Hover over each pointer below for more details on how our body uses iron. Click on the pointer to visit the specific body part’s interactive page to discover what other nutrients support it, the best sources to find them, and other interesting facts.
Important Things to Know
Comparison of Iron Sources
You may be wondering about other potential sources of iron, such as supplements and meat. Below we make a quick and simple comparison between the three choices, including absorption rates for each and the risks found in non whole-foods, plant-based options.