It’s not a big secret that oranges are a fantastic source of vitamin C. Just one medium-sized orange gives us about 115% of our Daily Value. What’s a little less known is that vitamin C isn’t just great for our immune system, it also increases our absorption of calcium and iron, and it repairs vitamin E when oxidized. This means, oranges are a top food for our immune system, our bones, our red blood cells, our brain, our heart, and our muscles.
But vitamin C is only one of the various nutrients present in oranges. Although in smaller amounts, oranges are also a good source of folate, potassium, and vitamin B1.
While orange juice is sweet and refreshing, eating the whole food is always better because of its fiber. One fruit gives us about 12% of our Daily Value while one glass of juice (8 oz) only gives us 2%. Aside from the many important benefits of fiber in our health, fiber slows down sugar absorption, keeping our sugar blood levels in check.
Check out our personalized nutrition calculator to learn more about all the nutrition you and your loved ones can get from adding oranges into your diets!
Nutrition Calculator: Oranges
Use our personalized nutrition calculator to discover the percentage of daily nutrition you and your family can get from eating oranges or drinking orange juice.
Nutritional needs vary according to age, sex, and whether women of reproductive age are pregnant or breastfeeding. Fill out the form below for yourself and for your family members to get personalized results.*
* Calculated as a percentage of the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) as established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Based on nutritional information provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as an average of multiple raw oranges and orange juice samples.